In previous post we briefly discussed about the Prototyping methods. Here im going to talk more about those methods.We can mainly sort divide prototyping to 3 parts
- Low Fidelity Prototype
- Medium Fidelity Prototype
- Interactive Prototype
Low Fidelity Prototype
In Low Fidelity we mainly do something like sketching and rough work, this is the main start of the Design interface of a Mobile Application . For this stage we not using any specific tool or something just a sketches.But in some advance cases designers using tools to this as well.
Medium Fidelity Prototype
In this Stage Developers use much advanced tools to there Prototype, as a example we can take the Balsamiq tool that easily but little bit advanced prototyping tool. There are lot of other kind of prototyping tools. From this stage Developers can give a quick idea to their clients ,regarding their final out put of the product.
Interactive Prototype
This stage developers actually give clients a real prototype that looks like the final product, difference is it may not functioning but here they can give a navigating piece of prototype that actually customer can recognize if there's any mistakes in the product.
for that there are plenty of tools available, even developers can give the customers a version of there actual product or they can use a tool to build a prototype that looks like the actual product. indesign is a that kind of a software.
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